Sunday, May 15, 2011

Organic Grain Storage

Grain storage   is the main problem of the farmers in the agricultural village of Sindh, Pakistan keeping the grain or other agricultural crops un- properly will deteriorate the quality and taste of the crops. Pest usually attacks grains and crops that causes the lost of freshness and good taste of it, Farmer’s were   facing a lot of challenges on this matter.

Organic Grain Storage in Sindh, Pakistan
One of the Villages in the Sind Province of Pakistan had developed an Organic Grain Storage though this is not new method but it was not popularize in other areas. This storage keeps the freshness and minimizes the presence of pest with out using chemicals for a period of 3 to 6 months. It is made from mud, designed similar to pyramid   for preservation purpose, it was proven by ancient people that pyramid or creating upper build up will somehow has preservation effects on the things being kept inside. 
Construction of organic grain storage is not that costly and the amount of grain that you can keep will depend on you I mean it counts on the size of the storage you had constructed. This is a primitive method of organic grain storage no modern technologies needed here. They just mentioned when I  asked the person visited this place share this story to me he said, “first they will fill the container with grain then cover up with a leaves of Neem tree, and a small hole down for taking out  grains when ever they need  it. 

This kind of storage convenient for the farmer’s, as it mitigates the pest attack to the grain during storing and preserve the high quality of the crop as well.
Village organic grain storage